About This Program
Matching project for global Japanese companies and science students in ASEAN regions.
Amid the accelerating of globalization, the markets of ASEAN region are getting attractive market for the companies all over the world and Japanese firms are no exception. Thus, more Japanese companies are recruiting students outside of Japan. They are seeking talented person whom they can entrust as candidate manager of branches around the world in preparation for reclamation of the ASEAN market near the future.
A majority of science students, however, could speak Japanese or even be unable to take Japanese lessons in the University.
This program supports science students who want to acheive thier dreams in Japan.
We can gurantee you that both choosing ASEAN Recruiting Project and starting career in Japanese company
are smart choices for your future!
Providing Japanese language and business manner classes for free.
Can't speak Japanese at this moment? Don't ever worry about that!
You will have total programs which consist of professional Japanese educations and employment supports.
Our talented native teacher will teach you how to speak Japanese, and a teacher from your country will explain the grammer and usage of it.

Before participating in this program, please register from the entry below. Name, E-mail address, Name of your university, Department, Major subject, and contact information is required.
DEADLINE: Around middle of December (depends on each university/country)

After you have registered, we will conduct a selection process. Considering your major, GPA and English skill, we will decided the candidates who pass the last selection process. Candidates will be informed by email about the next selection process to decide participants who will take part in our ASEAN Recruiting Projects. In other words, not everybody but only chosen students will be allowed to join it!

Japanese study
The very first class of the project should be started sometime in January. Approximately, you have to take lessons which are about 3hours long in addition to your study in your University. We understnad that it might be really challenging for you. However, after you have finished the whole project, you will be surprised how much you have improved in 10 months in this project!
Therefore, for not regretting the past, study hard as possible as you can! We devote ourself supporting your study and employment.

Job fair

While you are studying Japanese, we will roughly introduce companies which participate in our project. Many companies are working globally, and you will also be expected to work in the world. Around September to October, we will send the students list to the companies, and they will decide whom to have an interview with. In some cases, however, you can also apply for the company and there are some cases which are approved last year. Not only your GPA will be provided to the companies, but also they will evaluate you with the feedbacks from Japanese teachers and your score of the Japanese exam. Thefore, you are required to work and study hard!!
After 10 months of Japanese lessons, the interview selection finally begins.
The interview itself will be conducted mainly in Japanese, and companies will ask you various things. However, you are allowed to respond in English if what they have asked is too difficult (ex. about your research or thesis)
The interviewer not only evaluate your language skill, but also see your atitude and how do you feeling about working in Japan. Moreover, it is really important for you to know about the company because sometimes you will be asked about the company too.
Selection meeting

About a week after the interview session, the result of the selection will come up. We will infomation to your teacher or send you message directly whether or not you have passed the selection.
It's the moment that your long-cherished dream come true.
Enjoy this chance in Japan and fly towards the world!
Private decision